Absences | It is best to keep your child home when he or she is not feeling well. A child that is not feeling well will not feel comfortable in school and will not benefit from the activities. Please call the school at 870-6750 when your child is absent. Call the bus company also at 875-6378 to let the driver know. |
 Allergies | Modifications are made for all children with allergies. Please let us know BEFORE the first day of school about any allergies, including food allergies, medications, or environmental allergies. |
Arrival | Morning Class: 8:35-8:50 arrival. Afternoon Class: 12:30 - 12:40 arrival. Doors will be locked 8:50 - 3:15 p.m. |
Behavior | We encourage responsible behaviors at all times. Effective discipline is guidance that helps the children to learn self-control and cooperation. We use distraction, encouragement, environmental control, choices, consistency, reflective listening, I-messages, problem solving, structure, and time-out from positive reinforcement for effective discipline methods in the classroom. We teach independence and problem solving techniques as soon as possible. |
 Birthdays: | Birthdays are important to the children at Birch Grove School. This year students will not be allowed to bring cupcakes and other food to school on their birthdays. However, we would like to recognize your child's special day and each classroom teacher is planning new ways to celebrate this day. We make birthdays very special days in our classrooms by making a birthday crown to wear, singing birthday songs, and playing special games. |
Communication | Parents and teachers communicate via daily folders and weekly newsletter. We are also available by telephone, email, and scheduled parent conferences. |
 Delayed Openings Early Closings | If we have a delayed opening of school, the morning class will be canceled. The afternoon class will have regular hours. If there is an early closing, the afternoon class will be canceled. Please check the school web site, a local TV station, or a local radio station for school delays and closings. |
Pick-Up | Morning Class: 11:20 pick-up. Afternoon Class: 3:10 pick-up. If you are late, your child may have to wait for you in the Birch Grove School Office. Please monitor parking lot safety carefully. |
Parent Conferences: | Parent-Teacher conferences are held once a year in November. Parent-Teacher conferences for special needs students are also help in March. Other parent-teacher conferences are held as needed. |
Parent Education | Please visit the Family Resource Center for more information. |
Parent Visits | Parents are welcome to visit our program by making an appointment. It is best to call to arrange a time because visitors are limited to one set of parents at a time. Please be sure to fill out the online parent volunteer form. |
School Bus Information | Children with special needs are eligible for transportation by bus or van. Appropriate car seats are used. "Typical" students are transported by their parents. |
School Calendar | We will follow the school calendar with a few exceptions. Preschool classes will start the day after Labor Day. We end approximately one week earlier than the last day of school at Birch Grove Primary School. |
  Snack | Please provide a healthy snack and drink every day for your child. Please label your child's lunchbox. |