In the interest of your child's health and the health of other children, please observe the following:
- If your child has a fever of 100º F or above, please keep him/her home for 24 hours after the fever has subsided without medication, with the exception of antibiotics.
- Please keep your child home with any contagious symptoms for 24 hours after symptoms have subsided (ie: vomiting, diarrhea, fever).
- In the case of an absence, parents should contact the nurse’s voicemail at 860-870-6755 before 9:00 A.M. (before 12:30 P.M. for afternoon Preschool). Please provide your child’s name, teacher, and why they are absent in your message. The parent is requested to send a written excuse to the school on the date of the student’s return. The student should submit the excuse to his/her teacher who will send it to the main office.
- If your child has a contagious disease or is likely to be absent for three or more days, please notify the school nurse.
- A student absent five consecutive days or more may be requested to see the school nurse upon returning to school.
- A written excuse should be sent to school for any absence. A note from your physician is required for prolonged or frequent absences.
- It is felt that any child well enough to come to school is well enough to participate in all activities, including recess and physical education. A note signed by a physician must accompany any exceptions from this rule. A parent may send a note to extend the excuse up to two days after the doctor's excuse ends.
- Flu season: We will be following the CDC guidelines during the flu season.
- Please dress your child warmly with boots, hats, coats, gloves, and sweaters on chilly days. There will be outdoor recess when the temperature and wind chill are 20 degrees and above.
Illness and/or Injury:
When a child becomes ill, you will be asked to bring him/her home. In case of injuries, we may need to contact you. It is necessary that the school always have a phone number – yours and two emergency numbers – that may be reached at all times. Parents or designee must provide transportation. Please notify the school when any emergency card information changes during the school year, such as a new phone number, new job, etc. New emergency cards go home at the beginning of each school year.