Report Cards:
Report cards are sent home three times a year. The following marks are used for academic grades on our report card:
Report cards are sent home three times a year. The following marks are used for academic grades on our report card:
Academic Achievement
4 = Consistently meets and extends grade level standard or goal.
Understands, applies and extends key concepts, processes and skills
3 = Meets grade level standard or goal. With appropriate
independence, understands and applies key concepts, processes and
2 = Needs consistent teacher support to meet grade level standard or
goal. Is beginning to understand and apply key concepts, processes
and skills.
1 = Is not meeting the grade level standard or goal. Demonstrates
limited progress in applying key concepts, processes and skills.
N = Concept/Skill not assessed at this time
P = Based on IEP Plan
I = Indicates student needs to improve
Non-Academic Learning Skills
4 = Consistently meets expectations
3 = Meets expectations
2 = Is beginning to meet expectations
1 = Needs improvement
Field Trips:
The second grade program will participate in many extra curricula experiences to enhance our programs. We will be visited by a theatre performance. We will be visited by the New England Historical Society to enhance our study of Native Americans and High-Touch-High-Tech with a program called "Dig-It". The District Science Coordinator and the classroom teachers will visit our school grounds to expand our study of insects. Our final trip is an orientation to Tolland Intermediate School. The cost for these programs will be about $30.00.
Homework is an important part of our educational process. It serves to reinforce concepts learned and helps the students become responsible. Second grade teachers typically assign homework during the week. Children should read every night.