
 Math | Language Arts 

Report Card - Academic Achievement

4 = Consistently meets and extends grade level standard or goal.
Understands, applies and extends key concepts, processes and skills

3 = Meets grade level standard or goal. With appropriate
independence, understands and applies key concepts, processes and

2 = Needs consistent teacher support to meet grade level standard or
goal. Is beginning to understand and apply key concepts, processes
and skills.

1 = Is not meeting the grade level standard or goal. Demonstrates
limited progress in applying key concepts, processes and skills.

N = Concept/Skill not assessed at this time
P = Based on IEP Plan
I = Indicates student needs to improve

Non-Academic Learning Skills
4 = Consistently meets expectations
3 = Meets expectations
2 = Is beginning to meet expectations
1 = Needs improvement

Language Arts

The ultimate goal for kindergarten reading instruction is to produce good readers with comprehension, motivation and the enjoyment of reading.

Kindergarten writing reinforces the links between spoken and written language. The focus of writing activities is to develop a variety or reading - related competencies. Invented or temporary spelling is appropriate for children at the beginning stages of writing.

Tolland Public School system uses the Zaner-Bloser Simplified Handwriting Program throughout the district. The focus of this program is on proper pencil grip and formation of letters. Birch Grove has developed a common language for instruction in grades PreK-2. Children learn and write in manuscript beginning in Kindergarten.


Every Day Math is our math series.

Parents may visit the Every Day Math Website