Classroom Information

Our Day

school days
We begin our day with morning meeting which includes a message, greeting, and quick share. Our Writing block from 9:00-10:00 consists of whole group instruction, independent writing, small group and individual conferencing. Specials run from 10:20-11:00. Our Language Arts block from 11:00-11:45 and 12:45-1:30 includes whole group phonics, spelling and reading instruction, leveled reading and skill groups, and individual seat work.  Lunch and recess runs from 11:45-12:45.  We finish our day with Math, Social Studies and Science.

Book Clubs

Families will have an opportunity to purchase books from Scholastic Book Club.  I will be sending order forms home approximately every month.  Participation is optional. Please return the order form with a check (no cash please) and I will send home the books you’ve ordered as soon as I receive them. 


     news Emails will be sent to share with you our classroom activities and upcoming events.  Please call or email me with concerns or questions.


no nuts 

Snack is every morning around 10:00.  Students are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack to eat.  Water is the only drink allowed in the classroom.



Lunch time is at 11:45.  Students can bring lunch or purchase one from the cafeteria.  Please do not send cash daily with your child.  The cafeteria has an account set up for you. 


Homework is an important part of the educational process.  However,it is also important for children to play outside and spend time with family and friends.
*15 minutes a night is the expected amount of homework for Grade 1 students. Homework may consist of reading, math fluency practice, spelling, or high frequency words.  On nights where I do not send homework, students can use the following websites: Digimath, Raz-Kids, Extramath.  I will provide you with the information for those websites.

Reading At Home

 dr seuss
First grade students are encouraged to read at home each night.  A familiar, leveled reading book is sent home nightly and returned the next day.  Please read the book with your child and sign the reading log.

Parent Volunteers

I welcome parent volunteers beginning in October once the students have established a routine and are comfortable with additional adults in the room.  You can sign up on Curriculum Night or email me at any time.  I have specific parent volunteer needs, so I do not have weekly parent volunteers.


Each student has a daily take home folder for mail and communication purposes.  If you have notes to send in please put them in your child’s folder. When your child arrives at school, they will check the folder and hand in any messages or paperwork from home.