Report Cards

Report cards are sent home three times a year. The following marks are used for academic grades on our report card:

Academic Achievement
4 = Consistently meets and extends grade level standard or goal.
Understands, applies and extends key concepts, processes and skills

3 = Meets grade level standard or goal, with appropriate
independence, understands and applies key concepts, processes and

2 = Needs consistent teacher support to meet grade level standard or
goal. Is beginning to understand and apply key concepts, processes
and skills.

1 = Is not meeting the grade level standard or goal. Demonstrates
limited progress in applying key concepts, processes and skills.

N = Concept/Skill not assessed at this time
P = Based on IEP Plan
I = Indicates student needs to improve

Non-Academic Learning Skills
4 = Consistently meets expectations
3 = Meets expectations
2 = Is beginning to meet expectations
1 = Needs improvement